Awards for Arts, Culture, and Heritage

Guillermo Jorquera Morales 2021

In an emotional ceremony, the Regional Minister of Cultures officially presented the Guillermo Jorquera Morales Arts, Culture, and Heritage Award, an accolade that, for the first time, commemorates all those who make a significant contribution in the cultural field.

In this way, the regional award was posthumously bestowed upon Guillermo Jorquera Morales for his significant cultural contribution. He was a teaching professor, graduated from the Catholic University in 1962, and in addition to his teaching career, he devoted his life to the performing arts, in roles of creation and direction, playing a pivotal role in the development of art in Tarapacá.

The distinction was received by his wife, Sonia Cancino, along with his daughters and close relatives, who expressed their gratitude for the recognition and the establishment of the award’s name for the future.

Simultaneously, seven communal awards were also presented. Recognized were writer Fernando Martell from Alto Hospicio, weaver and founder of the Suma Marka group Verónica Geovanna Huanca from Camiña, the last spinner from the Central Citani locality in the Colchane commune, Ceferino Choque, traditional cook and yatiri (spiritual healer) Aurora Cayo Baltazar from Huara, singer-songwriter Héctor Campusano Guzmán from Pica, textile artisan and artisanal pastry chef Grecia Del Carmen Leiva Pérez from Pozo Almonte, and the distinguished visual artist and founder of Atelier, Paulino Astudillo from Iquique.

The ceremony was led by the Regional Minister of Culture, Laura Díaz, and attended by the mayors of Iquique and Colchane, Mauricio Soria and Javier García, respectively, as well as the Regional Government Secretary, Ana María Tiemann, and a large number of guests, all within the context of the Book Fair held at the former Railroad Station.